[Moray & Nairn FHS]

Moray & Nairn Family History Society

Founded 2009

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The Chisholm Letters, the Tale of a Town Scavenger by Kim Polley

The Chisholm Letters reveal the story of Colin Chisholm, born in Dingwall in 1803, and lived his life in Nairn. The pages lay bare his struggles, worries and friendships as a poor working-class family man whose job placed him at the bottom of the social ladder in Nairn. Fortunes and misfortunes unravel through letters between Colin and his siblings. Their lives are richly painted through the harsh reality of the social conditions of the time, and are further illustrated with maps, photos, paintings and historic references.

Copies can be ordered – special, limited-time rate for UK customers – at www.polleybooksaustralia.com.au/.


Headstone Stabilisation, Moray

Moray Council has resumed its inspection of headstones as part of their plan to ensure cemeteries are safe places for all.

Inspection assesses the condition of the memorial if thought imminently dangerous the memorial will be made safe. The Council will notify the lair holder, who must decide to either leave the stone in its made safe position or have it repaired at their cost by a suitably trained memorial mason.

While responsibility for the overall safety within a cemetery lies with the Burial Authority (Moray Council), the owner of the memorial is responsible for maintaining the memorial in a safe condition.

Click here to see the Moray Council video demonstrating the process.


Honorary Membership

Moray & Nairn Family History Society are pleased to announce the decision made at the 2021 AGM, to grant Honorary Membership to Bruce & Janet Bishop in recognition of their invaluable service in founding the group in 2009. Our thanks go to them for their efforts, and our best wishes for the future.


MI Recording - Nairn Cemetery

Plans – in both senses of the word – have been drawn, and the project of recording Monumental Inscriptions in Nairn Cemetery is underway, tackled by members of Moray & Nairn Family History and volunteers.

[Nairn Cemetery] [Nairn Cemetery]

The cemetery was opened in November 1863, and has been extended three times: in 1918, 1954 and 2000.

There are around 2000 memorials, more volunteers very welcome, contact the Society at publications@morayandnairnfhs.co.uk.


MI Recording - Barevan

[Barevan Chruchyard] Monumental Inscriptions, Barevan Churchyard, compiled by members of Moray & Nairn Family History Society, is now available:

Monumental Inscriptions, Barevan Churchyard, and Cawdor Churchyard Burial Register, 1930-1970, compiled by members of Moray & Nairn FHS, 44pp.
ISBN 978-1-909887-08-4 - £4.00, P&P extra

Monumental Inscriptions from Barevan Churchyard is a transcription of the gravestones from the churchyard. They note in detail the complete inscription from each stone.

Over 110 gravestones were recorded by members of the Moray & Nairn Family History Society between 2014 and 2015 with a plan being made of each stone’s location and an index of surnames.

The Burial Register from Cawdor Churchyard supplements the survey of the gravestones at Cawdor already undertaken and published by the Society in 2014.


MI Recording - Cawdor

Monumental Inscriptions, Cawdor Churchyard and Cemetery, compiled by members of Moray & Nairn Family History Society, is now available:

Monumental Inscriptions, Cawdor Churchyard and Cemetery, includes cemetery extension from the 1940's, over 820 stones recorded, compiled by members of Moray & Nairn FHS, 116pp.
ISBN 978-1-909887-03-9 - £8.00, P&P extra.

[Cawdor MI Recording] [Cawdor MI Recording] [Cawdor MI Recording] [Cawdor MI Recording]


MI Recording - Auldearn

[Auldearn Chruchyard] Monumental Inscriptions, Parish of Auldearn, compiled by members of Moray & Nairn Family History Society, is now available:

Monumental Inscriptions, Parish of Auldearn, compiled by members of Moray & Nairn FHS, 121pp.
ISBN 978-0-9561750-7-6 - £7.00, P&P extra.


MI Recording - Ardclach

Monumental Inscriptions, Parish of Ardclach, compiled by members of Moray & Nairn Family History Society, was launched at the Nairn Family History Fair

Monumental Inscriptions, Parish of Ardclach, compiled by members of Moray & Nairn FHS, 44pp.
ISBN 978-0-9566780-0-3 - £4.00, P&P extra.

It was great fun!  Here are some pic's - honestly, there were more of us there than Sarah & Doug.

[Ardclach MI Recording] [Ardclach MI Recording] [Ardclach MI Recording] [Ardclach MI Recording]

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