[Moray & Nairn FHS]

Moray & Nairn Family History Society

Founded 2009

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Membership Application/Renewal

Please use this form to complete your Membership Application/Renewal.


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Membership Type: Individual £12.00
Family £15.00
Corporate £20.00
Application Type: Application for Membership
Renewal of Membership
Payment Method: Bank Transfer (please contact us for details)
Cheque (pounds Sterling only, please)
PayPal (please contact us for details)
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Contact Moray & Nairn FHS

Research can be carried out for members of the Society only by a very small group of volunteers who are themselves members. Such research will be strictly limited, and carried out in rotation at the discretion of the Society. If unsure of the place, check the National Library of Scotland’s parish boundaries map.


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